Thursday, April 26, 2007

14 months

I thought it would be hard to tell the two kids apart but I think it's pretty obvious who is who!
Carter and Skye @ 14 months


Anonymous said...

Aawww they are so adorable! Yes, I can most definitely tell them apart. :)

Hugs & Kisses
@>~~~~ @>~~~~

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much they're growing up. Can't they stop... Next thing we know we'll be bribing them to sit in the chair to take a picture by giving them the keys to the car!

Julie said...

:) I very like them. They are my friends.


Anonymous said...

oh boy whose who? Are you asking about the lamb? love Grandpa

Jane said...

aww, so cute. I really think Skye looks more like you, Michelle. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, everytime we visit this page, our hearts just melt! We feel like hugging and kissing the computer! LOL!!