Tuesday, September 11, 2007

More videos (yes, I know it's sideways, turn your computer around!)

yes, more videos and stuff of the kids. I dunno, it might be boring to you, but it amuses me :) First up. Skye ate a green crayon. I'm not sure how much she ate of it (maybe all ?!?) but she had the green teeth and THAT look (see video) afterward. Another adorable, must.not.forget. moment! I have to youtube the videos as my favorite (dropshots) is having problems with the new format ???

Second, Carter learned to swing this year! He actually never liked swinging before this year. Not ever. But now he loves it and can do it all by himself! Skye has always loved to swing.


Anonymous said...

That is super cool! I still remember the first day Dalton learned to swing :-) If carter could fly down and teach Noah that would be just great!!!

The green crayon is hilarious!

Julie said...

Haha! Love the green crayon!

Nice job swinging Buddy!!
