Monday, March 19, 2007

Goodbye GMail

you and served me so well for the last year. I have loved you, I have raved about you to family and friends. But now you will not deliver my yahoo group email messages. And my yahoo groups are important to me. Is it as my friend Kim says, are you not sending me my messages from yahoo groups because I am some sort of pawn in your google groups marketing war? Because if so I wanted to let you know that my yahoo groups have been around way longer than your google groups have. You already have my email, my blog, my pictures, yourtube, what more do you want from me? Please just deliver my messages the way you are supposed to, don't make me stay with my crappy twmi account, please....


Anonymous said...

Boy, it appears as if I am pretty happy I didn't jump on teh band wagon.... Don't worry, it's the computer world, it'll be figured out soon enough. When those google sponsors start dropping their advertisements, because of a lack of viewers, you better believe it'll be fixed

Anonymous said...

Well I did everything that Kim K suggested and I'm so happy to announce that it's back to good ol' fabulouso GMail for me again! I do so love the format.