Saturday, March 18, 2006

Errands and Wallet and Haircuts, Oh my!

Paul and I have figured out a great way to run errands with two kids, wait until nap time! We actually already figured it out with Carter, but forgot about it till today. So the secret is wait till the children are good and tired then drive a distance no less than 10 minutes away, once they are sleeping one person can go shopping at the store of their choice while the other waits in the car with sleeping kids, perfect! The only downside is if one wakes up then surely the other will be robbed of much needed sleep. But so far, so good!

While I was waiting for Paul to finish up in his choice of store (the local camping/outdoor store) I decided to clean out my wallet. Note to self: stash a book or magazine in the car. You know I think your wallet says a lot about you. First of all my wallet is at least 6 years old, but I finally found one I like and so I'm sticking with it. It's not like it's falling apart or anything, and it's everything I wanted in a wallet! Let's see, I'm a registered voter with my current address on both my drivers licence and voters registration. I'm a MIGO member with a membership card, lucky me! My son is a patient of the Henry Ford system, noted by the 'blue card' in his name. I'm a member of the Detroit Zoo but only for another 25 days (must sneak in another free visit before it expires!) I'm a Costco member (sorry Jill). I belong to a local credit union instead of a 'big box' bank. I drive a GM car equipped with On Star, which I secretly hope to use before my one free year expires. (but no accidents, just hope to lock my keys in or something) And finally, most telling, I have a serious addiction to punch cards. I have no less than 10 in my wallet right now from noodles to children's resell. It's a addiction, collecting punches. If you'd asked me yesterday if I collected anything I would have said no, but today I know better!

One of my big errands today was a haircut. At this point that happens about three times a year for me, so it's a big deal. I decided to 'cheap out' and go to the local Great Clips. I generally know better and believe you get what you pay for. But I also know that there are plenty of great stylists working at these places too, it's just hit or miss. Well today I missed! I had a picture of the cut I wanted and everything! It was like the lady was afraid to cut my hair! She was going on the whole time about how beautiful it was, and my natural color was so pretty. I left looking like I needed a haircut, LOL! Oh well at least it's got some style to it. I just need to not wait 5 months to get it cut again and remember to go to a place that cost more than $11!!

Overall a good Saturday, just can't wait till it's warmer than 40 and we can get outside and enjoy!

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